Pipelaying to a Curved Route
PLDYN programs can be used to position the barge during laying to a curved pipeline route so that touch down point always remain on the intended pipeline route. PLDYN can be used for laying pipe to two different kinds of curved routes: circular or a proprietary (called Euler) profile. Continuation of a straight line route…
Seabed Model
Seabed normal reaction force is calculated using a quadratic function of pipe penetration. Seabed resistance to lateral movement is calculated using a model which incorporates initial breakout of pipe from its original position and growing berm resistance as additional soil mass is accumulated in front of the pipe as pipe moves laterally. By selecting appropriate…
Roller and Pipe Contact
PLDYNA calculates very accurately the required roller elevations and orientations. The calculation of the contact point between a roller and the pipe at any point along the pipeline and at different time steps in dynamic analysis cases requires consideration of roller type, roller orientation, roller radius, pipe radius, and exact pipe geometry. PLDYN can accurately…
Stinger Profile
Although it is not strictly necessary that a laybarge have a stinger, PLDYNA offers a multi-section stinger set modelling capability to enable proper articulated stinger modelling. Fixed stinger can also be modelled as an extension of the barge by attaching the rollers to the barge if a stinger definition is not provided. A fixed stinger…