free software for pipeline installation
an innovative engineering tool for the enterprise
S-Lay with Fixed or Articulated Stinger
Pipelaying under currents and waves in 750 m water depth. PLDYNA calculates the required barge offset and alignment from the pipeline route to ensure that touchdown point remains on the pipeline route and the pipe tangent is oriented along the route.
J-Lay to a Curved Route
32 inch pipe being laid to a curved proprietary Euler profile route under currents and waves in 2000 m water depth. PLDYNA calculates the position and alignment of the barge to ensure touchdown actually follows the design route.
Hybrid Catenary Riser
16 inch Lazy-wave catenary riser in 2000 m water depth under currents and waves.
PLDYNA has been used in novel and challenging projects including MEDGAZ and Skaha Lake Gas pipeline. PLDYNA unique features proved critical in these projects.
The following ZIP file contains REFERENCE, GRAPHICAL INTERFACE, and EXAMPLES documents in PDF format.